Routing PHP >= 5.3
Two ways of Routing
API Methods can be mapped to URI in two ways
- Automatic Routing
- Manual Routing
How automatic routing is done?
Role of Class Name
When the api class is added without specifying the path prefix, name of the class will be used as path prefix
Restler uses get, put, post, delete, and patch as prefix to map PHP methods to respective HTTP methods. When they are used method names with out any suffix they map at the class level similar to index
{HTTP_METHOD} class_name
GET is the default HTTP method so all public functions without any of these prefixes will be mapped to GET request. This means functions getResult and result will both be mapped to
GET class_name/result
Similarly method postSomething will be mapped to
POST class_name/something
Smart Parameter Routing
Starting from Restler 3, smart auto routes are created where optional parameters will be mapped to query string, required primitive types, objects and arrays will be mapped to request body.
Note:- Required primitive types used to be mapped to url path. This behavior has changed in favour of better and readable urls.
This helps build as few URIs as possible for the given API method, reducing the ambiguity.
If the restler 2 ways of routing is preferred, where all parameters can be sent using url path or query string or body, you can use the following code in the index.php (gateway)
Defaults::$smartAutoRouting = false;
It can also be set at the class level or method level with the following php doc comment.
@smart-auto-routing false
Manual Routing
Role of Class Name
When you add the api class, use the second, optional parameter to specify the url segment to map it to, you may choose to keep it blank to map it to the root
Rest of the URI
rest of the uri can be created manually using php doc comment as shown below or
else automatically routed for public and protected methods unless they are
marked with @access private
. We can specify as many routes as we want for a
single method. Comment structure is as shown below
@url {HTTP_METHOD} path_segment_including_url_parameters
For example
@url POST custom/path/{var1}/{var2}
Wildcard Routes
Wildcard routes allows our api methods to receive variable number of parameters they are manual routes that end with a star as the last path segment
For example
@url GET custom/path/*
Take a look at the api class used here and compare it with the routes below to understand.
This API Server is made using the following php files/folders
- index.php (gateway)
- Api.php (api)
- restler.php (framework)
- JsonFormat.php (format)
This API Server exposes the following URIs
GET api/all/* ⇠ Api::allIsMine()
POST api/method ⇠ Api::postMethod()
POST api/method2 ⇠ Api::whatEver()
POST api/method2/{anything} ⇠ Api::whatEver()
GET api/somanyways ⇠ Api::soManyWays()
GET api/somanyways/{p1} ⇠ Api::soManyWays()
GET api/somanyways/{p1}/{p2} ⇠ Api::soManyWays()
GET api/somanyways/{p1}/{p2}/{p3} ⇠ Api::soManyWays()
GET api/what/ever/you/want ⇠ Api::whatEver()
Try the following links in your browser
- GET api/somanyways/1?p2=something
"you have called Api::soManyWays()"
- GET api/somanyways/1/2
"you have called Api::soManyWays()"
- GET api/somanyways/1/2/3
"you have called Api::soManyWays()"
- GET api/what/ever/you/want
{ "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Bad Request: anything is missing." } }
- GET api/what/ever/you/want?anything=something
"you have called Api::whatEver()"
- GET api/all/1/2/3/4/5/6/7
"you have called Api::allIsMine(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)"
- GET api/all
"you have called Api::allIsMine()"
We expect the following behaviour from this example.
@example6 @routing
Feature: Testing Routing Example
Scenario: Testing So Many Ways
Given that "p2" is set to 2
When I request "/examples/_006_routing/api/somanyways/1{?p2}"
Then the response status code should be 200
And the response is JSON
And the type is "string"
And the value equals "you have called Api::soManyWays()"
Scenario: Testing So Many Ways with two params
When I request "/examples/_006_routing/api/somanyways/1/2"
Then the response status code should be 200
And the response is JSON
And the type is "string"
And the value equals "you have called Api::soManyWays()"
Scenario: Testing So Many Ways with three params
When I request "/examples/_006_routing/api/somanyways/1/2/3"
Then the response status code should be 200
And the response is JSON
And the type is "string"
And the value equals "you have called Api::soManyWays()"
Scenario: Testing So Many Ways with more params
When I request "/examples/_006_routing/api/somanyways/1/2/3/4"
Then the response status code should be 404
And the response is JSON
Scenario: Ignoring required parameter should throw 400
When I request "/examples/_006_routing/api/what/ever/you/want"
Then the response status code should be 400
And the response is JSON
Scenario: Testing Wildcard route with 7 parameters
When I request "/examples/_006_routing/api/all/1/2/3/4/5/6/7"
Then the response status code should be 200
And the response is JSON
And the type is "string"
And the value equals "you have called Api::allIsMine(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)"
Scenario: Testing Wildcard route with 0 parameters
When I request "/examples/_006_routing/api/all"
Then the response status code should be 200
And the response is JSON
And the type is "string"
And the value equals "you have called Api::allIsMine()"
It can be tested by running the following command on terminal/command line
from the project root (where the vendor folder resides). Make sure base_url
in behat.yml
is updated according to your web server.
bin/behat features/examples/_006_routing.feature