Multi-format PHP >= 5.3
This BMI calculator service shows how you can serve data in different formats using Restler. This example uses JsonFormat (default) and XmlFormat.
First format specified in Restler::setSupportedFormats
is used as the
default format when client does not specify the format.
Client can specify the format either using extension like .json or specify the MIME type in HTTP Accept Header.
When we make the request from the browser we will get xml when we skip the extension because XML is one of the requested formats specified in the HTTP Accept Header where as a AJAX request or CURL will return JSON.
This API Server is made using the following php files/folders
- index.php (gateway)
- BMI.php (api)
- restler.php (framework)
- JsonFormat.php (format)
- XmlFormat.php (format)
This API Server exposes the following URIs
GET bmi ⇠ BMI::index()
Try the following links in your browser
- GET bmi
<?xml version="1.0"?> <response> <bmi>31.77</bmi> <message>Obesity</message> <metric> <height>162.6 centimeter</height> <weight>84 kilograms</weight> </metric> <imperial> <height>5 feet 4 inches</height> <weight>185.19 pounds</weight> </imperial> </response>
- GET bmi.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?> <response> <bmi>31.77</bmi> <message>Obesity</message> <metric> <height>162.6 centimeter</height> <weight>84 kilograms</weight> </metric> <imperial> <height>5 feet 4 inches</height> <weight>185.19 pounds</weight> </imperial> </response>
- GET bmi.json
{ "bmi": 31.77, "message": "Obesity", "metric": { "height": "162.6 centimeter", "weight": "84 kilograms" }, "imperial": { "height": "5 feet 4 inches", "weight": "185.19 pounds" } }
We expect the following behaviour from this example.
@example3 @multiformat
Feature: Testing Multi-format Example
Scenario: Default format, when not specified
When I request "/examples/_003_multiformat/bmi"
Then the response status code should be 200
And the response is JSON
And the type is "array"
And the response has a "bmi" property
And the "message" property equals "Obesity"
Scenario: Use XML format when specified as extension
When I request "/examples/_003_multiformat/bmi.xml"
Then the response status code should be 200
And the response is XML
And the type is "array"
And the response has a "bmi" property
And the "message" property equals "Obesity"
Scenario: Correct weight and height should yeild 'Normal weight' as result
Given that "height" is set to 180
And "weight" is set to 80
When I request "/examples/_003_multiformat/bmi.xml{?height,weight}"
Then the response status code should be 200
And the "message" property equals "Normal weight"
It can be tested by running the following command on terminal/command line
from the project root (where the vendor folder resides). Make sure base_url
in behat.yml
is updated according to your web server.
bin/behat features/examples/_003_multiformat.feature