Minimal Example PHP >= 5.3
Shows the bare minimum code needed to get your RESTful api server up and running
This API Server is made using the following php files/folders
- index.php (gateway)
- Math.php (api)
- restler.php (framework)
- JsonFormat.php (format)
This API Server exposes the following URIs
GET math/add ⇠ Math::add()
GET math/multiply/{n1}/{n2} ⇠ Math::multiply()
GET math/sum/* ⇠ Math::sum()
- Take note of the php doc comments, they make sure the data is sent in the right type and validated automatically before calling the api method.
- Sum method accepts variable number of parameters with the help of wildcard manual route. Read the Routes example for better understanding
Try the following links in your browser
- GET math/add
- GET math/add?n1=6&n2=4
- GET math/multiply/4/3
- GET math/multiply/4/NaN
{ "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Bad Request: invalid value specified for n2" } }
- GET math/sum/1/2/3/4/5
We expect the following behaviour from this example.
@example2 @minimal
Feature: Testing Minimal Example
Scenario: Add using Default Values
When I request "/examples/_002_minimal/math/add"
Then the response status code should be 200
And the response is JSON
And the type is "int"
And the value equals 2
Scenario: Add 5 and 10
Given that "n1" is set to "5"
And "n2" is set to "10"
When I request "/examples/_002_minimal/math/add{?n1,n2}"
Then the response status code should be 200
And the response is JSON
And the type is "int"
And the value equals 15
Scenario: Verify Validation
Given that "n1" is set to "NaN"
When I request "/examples/_002_minimal/math/add{?n1,n2}"
Then the response status code should be 400
And the response is JSON
And the response has a "error" property
Scenario: Multiply
Given that "n1" is set to "10"
And "n2" is set to "5"
When I request "/examples/_002_minimal/math/multiply/{n1}/{n2}"
And the response is JSON
And the response has a "result" property
And the "result" property equals 50
Scenario: Multiply without value
When I request "/examples/_002_minimal/math/multiply"
Then the response status code should be 404
And the response is JSON
And the type is "array"
And the response has a "error" property
Scenario: Verify Validation for multiplication
Given that "n1" is set to "NaN"
And "n2" is set to "5"
When I request "/examples/_002_minimal/math/multiply/{n1}/{n2}"
Then the response status code should be 400
And the response is JSON
And the response has a "error" property
It can be tested by running the following command on terminal/command line
from the project root (where the vendor folder resides). Make sure base_url
in behat.yml
is updated according to your web server.
bin/behat features/examples/_002_minimal.feature