Hello World Example PHP >= 5.3


Basic hello world example to get started with Restler 3.

This API Server is made using the following php files/folders

This API Server exposes the following URIs

GET say/hello⇠ Say::hello()
GET say/hi ⇠ Say::hi()

Note:- If you have used Restler 2 before, you will wonder why the generated routes are lesser with Restler 3. Look at Routes example to understand.

Try the following links in your browser

GET say/hello

"Hello world!"
GET say/hello?to=R.Arul%20Kumaran
"Hello R.Arul Kumaran!"
GET say/hi?to=restler3.0

"Hi restler3.0!"

If the above links fail, it could be due to missing .htaccess file or URL Rewriting is not supported in your server. If you are on Apache Server, make sure AllowOverride is set to All instead of None in the httpd.conf file.

In case you could not get URL Rewriting to work, try the following links instead

GET index.php/say/hello

"Hello world!"
GET index.php/say/hello?to=R.Arul%20Kumaran
"Hello R.Arul Kumaran!"
GET index.php/say/hi?to=restler3.0

"Hi restler3.0!"

We expect the following behaviour from this example.

@example1 @helloworld Feature: Testing Helloworld Example Scenario: Saying Hello world When I request "/examples/_001_helloworld/say/hello" Then the response status code should be 200 And the response is JSON And the type is "string" And the value equals "Hello world!" Scenario: Saying Hello Restler Given that "to" is set to "Restler" When I request "/examples/_001_helloworld/say/hello{?to}" Then the response status code should be 200 And the response is JSON And the type is "string" And the value equals "Hello Restler!" Scenario: Saying When I request "/examples/_001_helloworld/say" Then the response status code should be 404 And the response is JSON And the type is "array" Scenario: Saying Hi When I request "/examples/_001_helloworld/say/hi" Then the response status code should be 400 And the response is JSON And the type is "array" Scenario: Saying Hi Arul Given that "to" is set to "Arul" When I request "/examples/_001_helloworld/say/hi{?to}" Then the response status code should be 200 And the response is JSON And the type is "string" And the value equals "Hi Arul!"

It can be tested by running the following command on terminal/command line from the project root (where the vendor folder resides). Make sure base_url in behat.yml is updated according to your web server.

bin/behat  features/examples/_001_helloworld.feature